Delphi - What does Abort/Break/Exit
Abort Break Exit FormCreate - 1 FormCreate - 1 FormCreate - 1 MyLoop - 1 MyLoop - 1 MyLoop - 1 MyLoop - 2 MyLoop - 2 MyLoop - 2 MyLoop - 3 FormCreate - 2 FormCreate - 2 Abort Raises a silent exception. Use Abort to escape from an execution path without reporting an error. Abort raises a special "silent exception" ( EAbort ), which operates like any other exception, but does not display an error message to the end user. Abort redirects execution to the end of the last exception block. Break Causes the flow of control to exit a for, while, or repeat statement. The Break procedure causes the flow of control in Delphi code to exit a for, while, or repeat statement and continue at the next statement following the loop statement. A call to Break must be contained in a for, while, or repeat statement; otherwise, the compiler reports an...