SUBSTR(S,x,n): Return a portion of string S
starting at position x of n characters. If x=0 it will be consider 1 as
Oracle consider the first character to be at position 1. if x <0 the
count will begin at the end of the string S.
Example: SUBSTR(‘abcdefg’,3,3) will return ‘cde’.
SUBSTR(‘abcdefg’,-3,3) will return ‘efg’
LOWER(S): Returns the string S converted to
all lowercase characters.
Example: LOWER(‘AbcDefg’) returns ‘abcdefg’
UPPER(S): Returns the string S converted to
all uppercase characters.
Example: UPPER(‘AbcDefg’) returns ‘ABCDEFG’
CONCAT(S1,S2): Returns a concatenated string value
of S1, S2. could be replace by S1||S2.
Example: CONCAT(‘Abc’,’DeF’) returns
INITCAP(S): Return the string S converted to the
initial capital letters.
LENGTH(S): Return the number of characters in
string S.
Example: LENGTH(‘abcdefg’) returns 7.
LPAD(S,N,X): Returns the string S
concatenate to the left by characters X to the total size of N.
Example: LPAD(‘MyChar’, 10, ‘O’) returns
RPAD(S,N,X): Returns the string S
concatenate to the rigth by characters X to the total size of N.
Example: RPAD(‘MyChar’, 10, ‘O’) returns
LTRIM(S): Returns the string S after cleaning
all empty character to the left.
Example: LTRIM(‘
MyChar ’) returns
‘MyChar ’
RTRIM(S): Returns the string S after cleaning
all empty character to the Rigth.
Example: RTRIM(‘
MyChar ’) returns
‘ MyChar’
TRIM(S): Returns the string S after cleaning
all empty character to the Rigth and Left.
Example: TRIM(‘
MyChar ’) returns ‘MyChar’
REPLACE(S,S1,S2): Return string S with all occurrences
of string S1 replaced by S2.
returns ‘abcAfabcAfabcAf’